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Anti-Seize High-performance Assembly Pastes

德国WEICON ASW 450 NSF级白油、耐高温润滑脂、食品级防卡

Date:2015/7/8 10:41:40 Hits:750


WEICON Anti-Seizehigh-tech



WEICON 高性能防自锁剂适合于特殊的装配工作使用。


WEICON ASW450防卡剂是一种保护隔离,高耐温性,高性能的防腐装配粘合剂。由于特殊的设计和良好的润滑,此产品可以与各种形状的便面使用,有效的解决自锁,磨损,生锈和腐蚀等问题,它可在高压(230N/mm²)下使用,温度范围在-180°C到1400°C。


Due to the special formulation and the very fi ne grinding of the solids contained in WEICON Anti-Seize, irregularities in the surface to be protected - even to a layer thickness of only 12 µm - are completely filled. Only a perfectly sealed surface guarantees a reliable protection against corrosion. An additional sealing effect thus results for special applications, such as flange connections.

WEICON Anti-Seize provides protection against:

  • Corrosion, seizing, and wear
  • Stick-slip phenomena
  • Oxidation and fretting corrosion
  • Electrolytic reactions ("cold welding")

WEICON Anti-Seize is free of sulphurous additives and halogens, well-adherent and abrasion-proof, and resistant against hot, cold, and salt water. The extremely low coeffi cient of friction also permits easy disassembly from machines and installations.

In addition, WEICON Anti-Seize Assembly Sprays are excellent lubricants for statically high-stressed parts and for slowly rotating installations, as long as corresponding relubrication intervals are observed.

Temperature resistant from -180°C (-292°F) to +1,400°C (+2,552°F).



Next:德国Weicon ASW 400/装配用防锁剂